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How to Grow Your Lawn Care Business – Get Out of Your Own Way

Oftentimes as Lawntreprenuers, we are the biggest roadblock to our companies growth.
And that’s because we try to do everything ourselves or think we are the best person to do everything in our company.


Oftentimes as Lawntreprenuers, we are the biggest roadblock to our companies growth.
And that’s because we try to do everything ourselves or think we are the best person to do everything in our company.

Or maybe we just simply refuse to spend money to have someone more qualified to do it for us.

I get this mindset, we have all been guilty of it, when growing our businesses from scratch.
The breadth of our knowledge is one of the reasons we became an entrepreneur in the first place.

But in order to not handicap our growth, and get the greatest results, Our role as an lawntrepreneur is to be the captain of the ship.
We Steer the ship and give it direction.
We Continue to educate ourselves to make the best decisions possible.
And we Hire the best people for the job.

How to Grow Your Lawn Care Business

There is always someone more qualified to do the things we shouldn’t be doing ourselves.

And in order to be a true entrepreneur and not just a technician with a high paying job we must delegate those responsibilites

The E Myth: by Michael E. Gerber

goes deep into this very topic. And I highly recommend you read it, if you haven’t already.

So Whether you want to admit now or in the future, you are not the best person to do all of your marketing yourself. There is simply too much you have to know, master and continually stay on top off to maximize your return on marketing investment.

If you look at Any reputable marketing agency, they do not have one person doing everything.
They have specialists in each and every marketing strategy they employ. they have an SEO team, PPC specialists, designers, Developers, Copywriters, Email marketers, Social media strategists.
Our social media experts aren’t building websites, Our seo team isn’t sending email.
Each and every one is a master at one thing.
And that is really the only way you can truly master it, you have to specialize.

If you’ve heard the expression “jack of all trades, master of none…” well, its true.

If your trying to run your business, and trying to do all of your marketing yourself, you are giving business away to your competitors.
There isn’t simply not enough time in the day to know everything you need to know about marketing. And what you don’t know will ultimately cost you money.

Andrew Pototschnik is the founder of Lawn Care Marketing Expert, the largest online marketing agency in North America specializing in marketing strategies for the lawn care and landscaping industries.

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