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How to Get More Lawn Customers – Track Your Leads

Phone calls, estimate requests and close rates are the only metrics that truly matter.
Website visitors, Facebook likes, twitter followers do not.
I don’t care if you have 1000 Facebook followers, if they aren’t becoming leads, if they are never going to buy, who cares.


Phone calls, estimate requests and close rates are the only metrics that truly matter.
Website visitors, Facebook likes, twitter followers do not.
I don’t care if you have 1000 Facebook followers, if they aren’t becoming leads, if they are never going to buy, who cares.

Sales, calls and estimate requests is all I care about.
That means our clients track every single call, the lead info and outcome of that call.
Did we close the sale? If not why not? And what action do we need to take next?

How to Get More Lawn Customers

Tracking your calls is the only way you can truly know how effective your marketing is or isn’t. It makes marketing decisions black and white. because you know without a doubt what return on investment you got from the $5000 you spent on the direct mail campaign this month.
If your not tracking, you are making marketing decisions “from the gut”. I think that direct mail campaign worked. It feels like it did.
Without tracking you cannot squeeze every last ounce of profit from your marketing investment.
And you may be very surprised to find out, that including your advertising costs, your sign up discounts and time – that local magazine ad, coupon book or direct mail campaign is only generating 1 new client for every $700 dollars spent.
If you don’t track you don’t know
if you don’t know you cant make the changes you need to make to generate a healthy return on your marketing investment. Your flying blind.

One of the things we do for all of our clients is integrate their websites with the Service Autopilot Lawn Care software, this makes it super easy for them to automatically log and respond to all incoming estimate requests.
It can be done just as simply with a pen and pad or an excel spreadsheet and google docs.
This data is super important. It’s the basis for the kick ass lead generation machine, each of you should be building.

You must ask where your leads are coming from, how they found you. This is how you know where to invest more of your marketing dollars. You want to know if it’s coming from your Google AdWords, your SEO program, the direct mail piece that you did, or even the baseball team you sponsored. This data is what is going to help you make your marketing more effective.

Unfortunately What I see a lot of companies do is that They answer the phone. They answer a few questions. They quote a price. The lead says, “Oh, you’re too expensive. Goodbye” and that’s the end of the relationship. There’s nothing else.
We have to go further, but in order to do that, we need to track our leads. We need to log their name, address, phone number, email, concerns and as much information as we possibly can collect.
We must leave every call with multiple ways to market to them in the future. Email, Direct Mail, Phone calls. That’s 3 ways to stay at the top of a warm prospects mind.

And again, I hear your objections. when I teach this in my coaching program, I always get push back from someone who thinks they are bothering the prospect when they ask for more info. That is nonsense. Stop being scared of your prospects. They called you for your expertise. They called you for your help. In order for you to do your job, you need additional information.

You can’t estimate without an address. You can’t send them a copy of the estimate without their email. There are plenty of ways to politely get this info. Heck look at the caller id for starters.

Put all of this into a database so you can market to them in the future. We also want to log any objections that they have using your services. Why are prospects consistently not signing up with you? We want to log any particular things about our business that people are objecting to. If price keeps coming up as the objection then you haven’t done a good enough job of proving your value.

Now I mentioned Part of tracking your calls is collecting lead info, Name, address, phone, email… why because this is just the beginning of your relationship with that prospect…

Because even if they didn’t say yes today, at the very least 25% of them would say yes in the future.

And that leads me to the next point.

Andrew Pototschnik is the founder of Lawn Care Marketing Expert, the largest online marketing agency in North America specializing in marketing strategies for the lawn care and landscaping industries.

Google Partner
Facebook Marketing Partner
Service Autopilot
Official Consultant of PLANET Conference
