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Lawn Care Businesses Should Not Discount Here’s Why – Lawn Care Millionaire

Hi everyone, I just wanted to really quickly comment on the latest lawn care millionaire video… “Lawn Care Businesses Should Not Discount: Here’s Why

So let me expand on this a little bit further.


At Lawn Care Marketing Expert we log our time religiously. So we know how exactly much time we are spending with each client every month. Which clients require the most hand holding and those that don’t.

The original Lawn Care Millionaire video is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4L1cut4plQ

At your company, you might not track it, but I am sure you have a general sense of who your best lawn care and landscaping clients are and which ones take up the most time and sap your profit margin. After all, your time is money and your staffs time is money… and its coming out of your pocket.

So in regards to discounts…

Generally, if a prospect is asking for a discount it can usually tell you 1 of 2 things.

1. They probably aren’t going to be ideal clients. They may not be able to afford or even want the level of service you provide. And discount shoppers or any prospects that want you to jump through their hoops in order to get their business are generally the time suckers, the clients whose credit cards get declined and ultimately the clients that don’t stick or you don’t want.

The same thing… can often be said for prospects that just seem like rude people to begin with. They are unpleasant on the phone or maybe they’re disrespectful to your staff who is trying to help them… Personally Life is too short. Why work with anyone that you don’t love working with, employees or clients. If you don’t enjoy that relationship let them be a headache for your competitor. You are not obligated to accept everyone as client. And you shouldn’t…

Now that said… When your small you probably are not going to have much flexibility picking and choosing clients. You are going to be taking on as many clients as possible to get your revenue up.
But, as your company grows – you can and should become more choosey and you can put up some barriers to entry such as only accepting credit cards and raising your prices ..

2. Number two… and this is my main point. And this is a big one.
If they want a discount you probably have not done a good enough job demonstrating your value in your marketing. The benefits of doing business with you. Or they have not been exposed to your marketing message enough to see the value you provide.

That means you haven’t proven your case that you are actually worth the prices you charge. You haven’t built up enough credibility yet. And that means you may have to educate them further as to why you are worth every penny.

Remember, the better job you do at demonstrating the value you provide. The less frequently you will be asked for discounts and the higher prices you can charge.

So ask yourself, why do you need to charge the prices you do? Why shouldn’t you give everyone a discount? Would service suffer? Would inferior products have to be used.

Be able to answer that question really really well and then apply the answer to your marketing…

So that’s my 2 cents… Now don’t forget to subscribe to the Lawn Care Marketing Expert Youtube channel and visit lawn care marketing expert.com to subscribe to my weekly marketing tips.

Go do it!

Lawn Care Marketing Expert is the largest online marketing agency in North America specializing in marketing strategies for the lawn care and landscaping industries.

2 comments on “Lawn Care Businesses Should Not Discount Here’s Why – Lawn Care Millionaire
  1. Colin says:

    I agree completely. Especially when it comes to the deals like Living Social and Groupon that are so popular now. Our company used Living Social and did not receive the rewards we were hoping for. These customers as well as the customers that call asking for all sorts of discounts are normally like you said, only looking for the cheapest price either because its all they can afford or they do not want to pay. You are much better off with clients that understand quality doesn’t always come discounted.

  2. Colin, you are right, and that is what our clients have discovered as well. Basically, I always recommend steering away from capturing clients by using low price as bait. Lawn Care business owners need long term high profit margin clients that care about the value you provide.

    That means it is up to the business owner to market their “value”.

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