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How do I ensure my site will not lose its ranking when I change domain names?

Eli – I’m just finishing my first year of lawn care and I was planning to form an LLC and change the name of my company the first part of 2012.

I’ve been enjoying watching your videos. Thanks for taking the time to put them together.

My question is, I’m just finishing my first year of lawn care and I was planning to form an LLC and change the name of my company the first part of 2012. But my current website has been up since June and I don’t want to lose any progress it has made in the rankings. Will I be basically starting over online by changing names?
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Online Marketing for a Lawn Care Business

Let’s talk about online marketing, why it matters, why it is important, why people need to focus their business on this so I want you to tell us what are the different ways that you can market your business?

Well online marketing has become a lot more important specially since yellow pages are dead and a lot of traditional ways that people use to get customers have changed. Obviously since the internet has come up everybody turns to the internet when they are searching for a specific product, for a service in their area specifically, everybody pops up in their laptop, types in a couple of words on their phone or laptop where ever and finds exactly what they are looking for. it is the quickest way to find exactly what you want as instant and so that being said, you need to target your advertising dollars and go after where people are actually searching to find your product, your service and the internet is where everybody is going these days and so you are seeing everybody from the largest and multimillion dollar companies down to your mom and pop, seven eleven, corner store, whatever, everybody is realizing the value of marketing online and they are turning their budgets towards that.
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Start Your Lawn Care Marketing Campaign Today, Before Next Season, Before It’s Too Late

Hi everyone. I just wanted to have just a quick talk with you guys and share some thoughts that came up a couple days ago when I was speaking to another client, who was actually wanting to postpone their campaign and wait until next year to start marketing for their lawn care season. It’s something that I realize a lot of people don’t know is that the amount of time that it takes, not just to produce the work but the amount of time it takes for search engines and websites and all your marketing efforts to come into play online.
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New Survey Reports SEO is the Best Marketing Strategy

2,500 US small businesses were surveyed by lead generation company MerchantCircle/Reply.com, and found that search engine optimization is the marketing channel they would choose if they could choose only one.

The survey asked small business owners “If you had to put all of your marketing time and budget into only one channel, what would it be?” The list of choices included SEO, paid search, mobile, social and traditional media. As you can see below SEO beats everything else by a mile.

New Survey Reports SEO is the Best Marketing Strategy Read more ›

SEO For a Lawn Care Business

SEO, basically it stands for search engine optimization and it concerns a number of different things. But basically, search engine optimization, the reason you do it is to rank high in Google and Bing, any of the major search engines. It concerns a number of different factors. We’ll just break them down into a few of the main ones. This is a very, very in-depth topic but we’re going to try to simplify it as best we can and just touch on the most important aspects.
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Green Industry PRO Magazine Interview – The Future of Search is… Social

Greg: Hey, welcome back everybody. Greg [Wartco] with greenindustrypros.com. Thanks for tuning in. We’re talking some more about the concept of online marketing and we’re getting help from Andrew Pototschnik from Lawn Care Marketing Expert. How are you doing today Andrew?

Andrew: Very good. I’m looking forward to this topic. It’s not something that you hear discussed a lot but it’s really critical to having a grand master plan for any social media plan that you put in place.

Greg: You bet it is, and it’s funny because I know some landscape contractors, I would suspect, the majority of those listening, the tech savvy guys that are listening, like the tools, like this podcast here today, they’ve been working diligently on their websites on their discipline of digital marketing and they’re doing things like newsletters and videos and social media and things. They been working hard to make sure consumers can find their websites on the search engines like Google and just when you think you’ve figured it all out, the rules all change. Right?

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Multiple Website Strategy for a Lawn Care Business

This is a strategy that we have been using in my company for I would think at least four years if not almost from the beginning and that is to have multiple websites targeting different kinds of clients, you are going to talk about this but this is a strategy I have used and I know it is a strategy you use with a lot of your clients but it is a unique strategy that your agency is one that does this one and does this but a lot of agencies don’t so if you would explain this multiple website strategy and then we are going to, so explain it first and then we will talk about why it works so well
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Credibility Builders for Marketing Lawn Business

Hello, it’s Andrew again here in sunny Miami. I hope everyone is doing great. I’d like to thank everybody who’s been sending in questions. They’ve been fantastic, and I’ve gotten some really good ones, and I’m going to get to all of them. I find it really interesting some of the things that you guys write in about and ask questions about. It’s really helpful to me. It helps me to understand my clients more, helps me to really break down these subjects. I can explain things easier to my clients as well. So, thank you again for sending in the questions. I will get to all of them. I appreciate it.
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Two Guys Talking About Stuff While Drinking Alcohol – Episode 001

Here is something random for you….
Conversation between the Lawn Care Millionaire and Lawn Care Marketing Expert
We talk about all sorts of stuff while enjoying fine American beers…

Elon Musk
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Google+ Pages for Lawn Care Business Marketing

Hello what I wanted to talk to you everybody about today was Google plus for business. This is something that was just launched two days ago and it is something that we have been expecting for a longtime. It is something that Google has said was coming and for those of you who just aren’t familiar with Google plus with it’s backup, Google plus is just Google search in Facebook. It is their answer to Facebook. It is their own social network.
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