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GIE Expo 2013 / PLANET Green Industry Conference Featured Speaker

GIE EXPO 2013 PLANET Green Industry Conferance 2013

I am proud to announce that I will be the featured speaker at the 2013 GIE Expo / PLANET Green Industry Conference October 23-25, 2013 in Louisville, Kentucky.
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4 SEO Mistakes Lawn Care Companies Make

There are four common mistakes business owners make when implementing an SEO strategy. And I talk to these companies every month…

  1. Hiring anyone who says they do SEO, because they are cheap, or fit within an unrealistic budget.
  2. Assuming all Search Engine Optimization companies are equal, do the same thing. Or can accomplish the same results.
  3. Assuming you or your brother in law or any company that built a website once is qualified to do your search engine optimization.
  4. Not thinking big enough.

So lets discuss each of these scenarios…
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Why is SEO So Important For Lawn Care Companies?

Well SEO increases the ranking of your website for the keywords potential customers use to find service providers like you. the higher you rank for important keywords the more business you can get from your website.

Nearly all consumers 97% now use online media when researching products or services in their local area, according to BIA/Kelsey.

The majority of those start with a search on Google.
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How To Build A Marketing Plan That Grows With Your Lawn Care Business – PLANET News Magazine

PLANET News July-Aug 2013 - How to Build a Marketing Plan That Grows With Your Lawn Care Business

From social media to direct mail to search engine optimization to referrals—even your truck branding—every marketing strategy has a different financial barrier to entry, solves a different marketing problem, and can deliver wildly varying results, depending on how it is executed. At GIC, during my session titled “How to Build a Marketing Plan that Grows with Your Lawn Care Business,” we will be covering a number of these strategies and knowing exactly when to employ them on your journey from $100K to $10M+.

But before any talk about marketing tools and no matter your current company size, the best place to start is by always knowing your numbers. If you don’t have a solid grasp on your financials, you can’t possibly make the best, most educated decision in any area of your company—marketing included.
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BeeSafe Official Marketing Partner


Organic lawn care is a market segment where we continue to see demand grow significantly year after year.  And its an area where we have been actively looking to expand more.

So today, I am proud to announce Lawn Care Marketing Expert is now the official marketing partner of BeeSafe Organic Land Care.
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Facebook Marketing For Lawn Care Businesses Tip 1

Facebook Marketing For Lawn Care Businesses Tip 1

I assume everybody who watches my videos and follows my Facebook page, I assume your goal is to get off the truck, if you’re not already off the truck, and grow your business to 5000 customers to a multi-million dollar business. I assume that’s what everybody’s goal is. If that’s your goal, we need to think carefully about what our marketing strategies are, whether it’s STO, whether it’s e-mail marketing, whether it’s Facebook. We always have a goal that we’re trying to accomplish.
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Lawn Care Sales Funnels – Part 2

Lawn Care Sales Funnels - Part 2

In Lawn Care Sales Funnels – Part 1 we talked about how an average lawn care sales funnel works. In this part we continue the conversation and break each step of the sales funnel down into critical steps… If a prospect doesn’t make it through all 4 steps the funnel leaks and a sale is not made…

Patch the leaks!!!
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Lawn Care Sales Funnels – Part 1

Lawn Care Sales Funnels

Patch the leaks in your sales funnel.

Sales funnels are the first place that I start when a company hires me, brings me out for a day or two of consultation.  We attack their sales funnel first.  That’s the first place that we start.  We look at all of the marketing that they’re doing, what’s working, what’s not, what needs to be beaten into shape, how are they selling their services, and really tear everything apart, and then put it back together.
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Mobile Lawn Care Websites & Mobile Apps

Mobile Lawn Care Websites & Mobile Apps

Now that over 56% of Americans now own smartphones…

Should you develop a mobile website or iPhone application for your lawn care company?

Is this even a good idea?

Hi, guys, welcome back. Excuse me. Hello, ladies and gentleman, we actually have a question from a woman today. Thank you for sending it in, Carrie. Carrie asks about iPhone apps. Her question is, “A company has approached us to develop an iPhone app for a lawn care company. Is this a good idea?”

This is a great question, Carrie. Thank you so much for sending it in. Just as a reminder guys, the more information that you give me when you send me a question, if you can tell me a little bit about your business, the more details, the more facts I know about your business, the more specific answer I can give you. Carrie, thank you for sending this in.
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The 5 People You Spend the Most Time With

Who Are the 5 People You Spend the Most Time With?

Hi guys. Andrew here, I just want to really quickly share with you something that I read this weekend. It’s a quote by Jim Rohn that really struck me, and I wanted to share it with you, because I think it’s very true. At least, it’s been true in my own life and maybe helps gives you something to think about. The quote is “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Think about that. “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Think about how that might apply to your life. If I think back about, when I was younger if I think back about fifteen years ago and the type of people that I hung out with, and who I was as a person.
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Official Consultant of PLANET Conference
